Bali, 26 August 2019
The Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Prof. M. Nasir officially launches the enactment of EDUCATIONAL LAM (LAMDIK) on 26 August 2019 at the Grand Inna Hotel, Bali Beach. In this opportunity, the Minister launches three other independent accreditation agencies at once, namely IABEE LAM for the engineering sector, LAMSAMA for science and mathematics sector, and LAM EMBA for economics, management, and business sector. This event coincided with the national-scale commemoration that is the 24th National Technology Awakening Day in 2019.
The minister emphasized the importance of LAM in the 4.0 industrial era orienting on output and outcome base. The four LAMs are expected to be not only nationally acknowledged but also as the reference for quality assurance at the international level.
LAMDIK, including the other LAMs, is expected to own characteristics as an instrument in accordance with each expertise. As a LAM in the education sector, hence, in its implementation, hopefully, it can involve the users such as high-quality school principals and students who are not only observers but also contributors to the IAPS assessment component. That was the assertion of the Executive Council Prof. T. Basaruddin and the Director General of Institutions and Science and Technology of Higher Education and the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.
The launching which continued with a workshop on LAMDIK implementation preparation produced the following agreement: (1) the need to hasten the full text of AD ART and the process of submitting a legal entity to the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights is expected to be completed by 2019; (2) grand launching and outreach to all users of LAMDIK FKIP, IKIP, STKIP in December 2019; (3) the transition period in 2020 which takes full effect in 2021 at the latest.
During the transition period, sharing resources will be used with BAN-PT and the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in accordance with the instruments of the 9 IAPS standards, assessors, and IT management system. LAMDIK team is expected to have been able to finish the instrument with specific characteristics in the educational field, assessors, management information system, etc., for quality assurance of 1,578 LPTKs with 5,052 Study Programs in the Education sector.
The LAMDIK team members who attended this event were Muchlas Samani of the State University of Surabaya, Harun Joko Prayitno of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Surakarta Muhammadiyah University, Ahman of Association of Central Indonesian Scholars of Education/Indonesian Education University Bandung, Aceng Hasani of Communication for the Deans of Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Lukman Nadjmudin of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Palu Tadolako University.
With the enactment of LAMDIK, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education’s Directorate General of Institutions, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Executive Board of BAN-PT, Director of Quality Assurance, and the teams who attended expect it to be a credible quality assurance agency and able to improve the quality of management and educational sector development in this education disruption era. Hopefully @LAMDIK.