Surakarta, 18 November 2020
The Regulation of BAN-PT No. 9 of 2020 has determined the Migration Policy of Study Program Accreditation from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) to the Independent Accreditation Agencies (LAM) including LAMDIK. It is in line with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 5 of 2020 article 4 paragraph 2 concerning Accreditation for Study Programs. Its application refers to Article 8 paragraph (1) regarding the Period of Study Program Accreditation conducted and determined by LAM and paragraph (2) concerning the accreditation period determined by LAM, as referred to in paragraph (1), ends, re-accreditation must be carried out by LAM.
LAMDIK instruments were prepared by referring to the Regulation of BAN-PT Number 2 of 2017 concerning the National Accreditation Standards of Higher Education that the instrument consists of at least 9 standards. They were downgraded to 9 instrument criteria of LAMDIK, each of which is developed based on the inputs, management, process, outputs, and outcome-based education.
The preparation and discussion of it were carried out intensively and continuously with guidance from the Directorate General of Higher Education, Directorate of Institutions, BAN-PT, and coordinated with the communication forum of LAM which had been formed and approved by the ministry.
The discussion of finalization in this period was held in the Faculty of Teaching and Education, Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (FKIP UMS) on 17-18 November 2020. It was focused on Book I of Instrument, Book II of Guidelines, Book III of Scoring/Assessment, and SIMAK LAMDIK (Information System of LAMDIK Accreditation Management), as well as SIAP LAMDIK (Information System of LAMDIK Mailing Administration).
The main characteristics of this instrument are on educational perspectives, namely from the importance of inputting the passion of the applicants during selection, micro-learning aspects, school field orientation, development of learning tools, teacher assistance, educational community services, involvement of lab/partner schools during the process up to the profiles of LPTK teacher graduate candidates.
This draft is planned to be carried out in a limited trial involving study program associations and the LPTK association at the end of November 2020. Full trials shall be conducted in early 2021 and are planned to come into full force on 2 May 2021. This implementation refers to the Regulation of BAN-PT Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Policy on the Migration of Study Program Accreditation from BAN-PT to LAMDIK.
It is expected that LAMDIK shall be able to improve the quality of governance and development of LPTK study programs in the era of global computing-communication and the era of educational disruption, both at the national and international levels. Regards @LAMDIK. @LAMDik.
Selamat. Menyambut gembira hadirnya LAM Dik. Untuk LPTK yang lebih baik dan Indonesia yang lebih maju.
Alhamdulillah, lembaga akreditasi mandiri bidang pendidikan sudah terbentuk, semoga amanah
Alhamdulillah… dengan antusias kami menyambut kehadiran LAMDik, semoga semakin meningkatkan mutu, daya saing, dan kebaikan pendidikan di bumi Pertiwi NKRI tercinta.
Manstaappp… Meringankan beban BAN-PT, dan agar BAN-PT konsen di APT.
Semoga Lamdik sukses
Apakah program studi kependidikan islam (pai, pgmi, bkpi, mpi, dll) juga masuk kategori pengusulan akresitasi melalui LAMDik? Terima kasih.
Mohon di rilis Prodi apa saja yang masuk ke LAM Pendidikan ini. Sukses dan maju pendidikan Indonsia
Assalamualaikum mohon maaf, mohon i informasinya kapan LAMDIK mulai beroperasi melaksanakan akreditasi ? bagaiaman alurnya.. karena kami mencari informasi dilink website ini… belum update. Terima kasih