Tashkent, Uzbekistan, November 18, 2023
Held in Uzbekistan State University of World Languages (UzWWLU)
Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov, UzSWLU President, accompanied by the university administrative staff and ACE (Accreditation Council for Education) Chairperson, Professor Muchlas Samani, agreed to sign an MoU accrediting UzSWLU educational study programs. The Indonesian ambassador for Uzbekistan and ACE Advisory Board member, Professor Sunaryo Kartadinata, witnessed the MoU signing. Several ACE directors, including Professor Harun Joko Prayitno, Dr. Muhdi, Professor Sofia Hartati, and Professor Aceng Hasani, also attended the event.
As the leading and most trustworthy quality assurance institution, ACE has gained international trust from educational institutions in various countries. The current MoU signing continues previous ACE international collaborations with Armenian and East Timor universities.
Presenting in front of UzSWLU's president and leaders on November 16, 2023, ACE Chairperson Professor Muchlas Samani highlighted ACE’s commitment as a professional quality assurance institution to improve the quality of internationally reputable educational study programs across the globe.
Ilkhomjon Tukhtasinov, UzSWLU President, extended his appreciation to ACE and hoped the accreditation of UzSWLU educational study programs would commence immediately. In 2024, the accreditation process will be resumed based on ACE quality procedures, improving the “input-process-output-outcome” quality of UzSWLU educational study programs.
Both institutions agreed to immediately follow up on the visit by organizing essential meetings such as ACE instrument coordination and supervision, desk evaluation, ACE reviewer dispatchment for on-site assessment, final accreditation decision, and accreditation certificate issuance.
ACE and UzSWLU also concurred that ACE is a strategic partner in supervising the UzSWLU educational study program’s quality. Both parties hope to expand the scope of collaboration, including training, the exchange of arts and cultures, joint research, and other educational development programs. The collaboration served as both institutions’ commitment to improving the quality of education at the international level.