Accreditation Instruments of LAMDIK for Undergraduate Programs: Regulation of BAN-PT Number 11 of 2021

In accordance with the Letter of Accreditation Council of BAN-PT Number 170/BAN-PT/MA/Pen/PerBAN/2021 dated 3 September 2021, it has been determined the Regulation of BAN-PT Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Accreditation Instruments of Study Program for Undergraduate Programs in Education Scope.

LAMDIK’s Accreditation Instruments, as the attachment of BAN-PT Regulation Number 10 of 2021, consist of five books namely:


The complete document of the regulation and attachment above can be downloaded through the following link: Accreditation->LAMDIK Accreditation Instruments.

141 Scopes of Study Programs Accredited by LAMDIK: Decree of Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Number 186/M/2021

In accordance with the Decree of the Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No. 186/M/2021 concerning the Study Programs Accredited by the Independent Accreditation Agency, there are 141 study programs for Undergraduate, Master, and Doctoral programs accredited by Educational LAM (LAMDIK).

The list of study programs can be found in the following link: List of study programs accredited by LAM

The list above may increase, especially for study programs that have not yet been registered.


On 1 October, I joined the 12th online meeting of INOVASI. INOVASI is the name of a collaboration program between the government of Australia and Indonesia to improve elementary education quality. As usual, this event commenced with the reception delivered by the deputy ambassador to Australia in Jakarta, Daniel Wood-Counselor Human Development, continued by Mr. Subandi – Deputy for Human, Community, and Cultural Development Bappenas and by Mr. M. Zain who represented Directorate General of Islamic Education, the Ministry of Religion. It was subsequently proceeded by the key speaker, Mr. Mark Heyward – the Director of INOVASI Program and the chief of Standards of Curriculum and Educational Assessment Agency – Mr. Anindito Aditomo, representing the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

The initial reception consists of general concern which we often encounter with, namely the occurrence of learning loses as the consequence of the pandemic that widens the gap of learning results between the children living in the urban areas with decent internet access and their counterparts who live in rural areas with inadequate internet access or even none, and the privileged children with good IT facilities and the underprivileged ones with inadequate to zero IT facilities, between children with educated families so that they can get proper help during distant learning and they who live with less educated families, hence the parents could not offer enough help for their children’s learning process.

However, the appalling thing about the learning process is that it is exponential. The higher the grade in elementary schools, the more serious it gets. As a consequence of the pandemic, the first graders are seemingly 10 months late, the second graders are 18 months behind, and the third graders are 27 months behind, as though the skills of the third graders equalize the first ones. These data denote the horrific facts of learning losses, which I truly did not imagine previously. It especially occurs in less privileged families, less educated, where they live in rural areas. Thus, in my opinion, the impact of the pandemic on education is really serious.

The more interesting explanation was delivered by Mr. Supriyono – the chairperson of Inclusive Madrasa Forum, Ms. Yuliana – an elementary school teacher in Central Sumba, Mr. Suparminto – the head of Division of Kindergarten Teacher Bulungan Regency, which was then strengthened by the Regent of Bulungan – Mr Syarwani and the Regent of Central Lombok – Mr. Paulus Limu. The explanation by Mr. Pri, Ms. Yuliana, and Mr. Parmin indicate that they along with their teams conduct a really good innovation when they were confronted with the pandemic. More than that, the three of them borrow the quote by Mr. Suprayitno – the moderator, “prepare an umbrella before it rains” which also means better safe than sorry. It means that this innovation has been implemented before the pandemic. Literacy and numeracy, especially in the early grades of elementary school, do happen to be an intensive INOVASI program at the schools under their coaching. However, this program and some other innovations were surprisingly carried out by Mr. Pri, Ms. Yuliasa, and Mr. Parmin according to the local conditions. Impressively, it used the concept of PDIA (problem-driven iterative adaptation). This innovation turned out to be fully supported by the Regent as the supreme leader of the regency.

The three of them frankly said that they have not learned the impacts to the students’ learning outcomes. It is evidenced with the spirit of the teachers and the enthusiasm shown by the students during learning process. The students really enjoy it because they can learn in accordance with their own skill and the connection with their daily activities. Even Mr. Parmin told us that numerous schools have applied this pattern.

From listening to their stories, it feels like I can get a glimpse of candlelight in the darkness of night. It is true that this candlelight is only able to illuminate its surrounding, but it can glow by itself. And I am sure that there are actually more candles (educational innovations) in some other remote areas in our beloved homeland. I also heard about a similar story from a friend who did the same thing in Semarang, Central Java, Probolinggo, East Java, Riau, and so on. Like music, there are many musicians in this country who play particular musical instruments according to their expertise. It requires a kapellmeister or a conductor to balance the rhythm to create a beautiful orchestra. Perhaps it is one of the government's duties. Borrowing a quote from David Orborn in his book Reinventing Government, it is better if the government can guide and not execute by themselves (guiding not rowing). It would be better if they empower the innovators such as Mr. Pri, Ms. Yuliana, and Mr. Parmin to keep working and pass it on to their friends around. The existing budget will be more effective and efficient because the candle has been lit on its own energy, all that remains is to strengthen it to make it bigger. If there are more and more candles like that I'm sure "education in this country will be bright". Hopefully.

— Muchlas Samani ( —

Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Wawancara Asesor LAM Kependidikan

Berdasarkan hasil seleksi wawancara yang dilaksanakan secara daring melalui Zoom Meeting pada tanggal 07-09 Juni 2021 dan rapat pleno dewan pengurus LAM Kependidikan pada tanggal 11 Juni 2021, maka berikut ini diinformasikan nama peserta yang dinyatakan LULUS seleksi wawancara.

Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah penyegaran asesor BAN-PT menjadi asesor LAM Kependidikan yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Juni 2021 s.d 01 Juli 2021 secara daring menggunakan Zoom Meeting. detail kegiatan terlampir pada data calon asesor yang lulus wawancara.

Update Informasi terkait penyegaran asesor BAN-PT menjadi asesor asesor LAM Kependidikan akan ditayangkan melalui website dan

Demikian pengumuman ini, atas perhatian dan kerjasama yang baik kami sampaikan terima kasih.

==> Tautan unduh file hasil seleksi wawancara: file data calon asesor lulus wawancara.

Jadwal Seleksi Wawancara Calon Asesor LAMDIK

Bapak dan Ibu Calon Asesor LAM Kependidikan.

Sesuai dengan tahapan rekrutmen Asesor LAM Kependidikan, setelah tahapan seleksi administrasi adalah Tahapan Seleksi Wawancara (kemampuan komunikasi dan verifikasi) yang dilaksanakan pada Senin, 07Juni 2021 s.d 09 Juni 2021, secara online dengan menggunakan Zoom Meeting. Informasi tautan Zoom Meeting untuk seleksi wawancara dapat dilihat pada laman jadwal seleksi wawancara.

Jadwal seleksi wawancara dapat dilihat pada tautan: Jadwal Seleksi Wawancara

Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi Asesor LAMDIK

Berdasarkan surat no. 048/A.3-II/LAM-KEPENDIDIKAN/V/2021, tanggal 31 Mei 2021, tentang hasil seleksi berkas administrasi calon asesor LAM Kependidikan dari asesor BAN-PT tahun 2021, data calon asesor yang dinyatakan LULUS seleksi administrasi dapat diunduh melalui tautan: Hasil Seleksi Administrasi.

Tahapan selanjutnya adalah Seleksi Wawancara (kemampuan komunikasi dan verifikasi) yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 07-10 Juni 2021, secara daring dengan menggunakan Zoom Meeting. Informasi, jadwal dan tautan Zoom Meeting akan diinformasikan melalui website LAM Kependidikan ( dan mulai tanggal 02 Juni 2021.

Note: Pengumuman ini juga dipublish pada website asesor LAm Kependidikan (