On 23 October 2018, the meeting of LAMDIK's board of executives was conducted together with the Organizer Team of Accreditation Instrument. The chairperson of the committee, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., and the deputy chairperson, Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno discussed several matters relating to accreditation instruments with the instrument team consisting of Prof. Dr. Ivan Hanafi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, Prof. Dr. Sunandar, and Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd. The Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Prof. Dr. Ahman also took part. The meeting was conducted online.
Various matters were produced which included accreditation documents consisting of instruments, a scoring matrix, a guidance book for instrument completion, and an Assessment/Guidance Application for Assessors. Those were expected to be finalized in the form of drafts to be immediately tested publicly. The public test is planned on November 2020.
In order to meet the determined target, a team responsible for each document is formed. The composition is as follows:
Document 1 (instrument) and 3 (scoring matrix): Prof. Joko, Prof. Ivan, and the team.
Document 2 (guidance book of instrument completion): Prof. Sunandar, Dr. Suryanti, and the team.
Document 4 (Assessment/Guidance Application for Assessors): Asmunin, S.Kom., M.Kom., Prof. Ekohariadi, Prof. Luthfiyah N., and the team.
Furthermore, it also discussed the weighting for input, process, output, and management components. This weighting matter, however, still needs to be discussed further by considering other cases, including BAN-PT instrument, ASIIN, and OBE which become references. However, it only applies to teaching universities, not research universities, hence on the components of process and output, the weight might be bigger than input and management ones. In addition, there will be an addition in a form of short description for each criterion. As the instrument of educational institution accreditation, it also strives to have a unique touch in terms of education.