On Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 19.00 (GMT+7), a follow-up meeting for the preparation of the instrument guidance book draft was held online. It was attended by the chairperson and the deputy chair of the board of executives, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani and Prof. Dr. Joko Harun Prayitno respectively. Other parties who took part were Dr. Muhdi of the executive board, the chair of the board of supervisors, Prof. Dr. Ahman, and Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto of the board of supervisors. The rest of the participants were the drafting team and the members of Dikti. The meeting was attended by 22 participants.
The meeting opened by Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani commenced with the presentation of instrument drafting progress by Prof. Joko Nurkamto, and continued with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Ivan Hanafi about the scoring matrix. Prof. Sunandar carried on with the drafting material of LAMDIK instrument completion guidelines. He stated that the guidelines should refer to the instrument, but as the instrument had not been completed, thus another attempt was to refer to the points produced from the previous meeting in Surabaya. Nonetheless, he also emphasized that the instrument would be readjusted if the document was available.
The discussion was embellished with various responses from the participants. Suggestions and inputs were submitted for mutual enrichment.
The IT team coordinator, Asmunin, also delivered the design of the application to be made. A digital application has at least contains three files, namely quantitative data, adequacy assessment, and field assessment.
The meeting went well and was closed by Prof. Ivan Hanafi at 21:30. The next meeting is planned to be held on November 5-7, 2020, in a blended method. The upcoming agenda will be regarding activity schedules, AD/ART, decision, the organizational structure of the council, and the budget plan.
(LN & RS)