On Tuesday, 27 October 2020 at 19.00 (GMT+7), a follow-up meeting for the preparation of the instrument guidance book draft was held online. It was attended by the chairperson and the deputy chair of the board of executives, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani and Prof. Dr. Joko Harun Prayitno respectively. Other parties who took part were Dr. Muhdi of the executive board, the chair of the board of supervisors, Prof. Dr. Ahman, and Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto of the board of supervisors. The rest of the participants were the drafting team and the members of Dikti. The meeting was attended by 22 participants.

The meeting opened by Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani commenced with the presentation of instrument drafting progress by Prof. Joko Nurkamto, and continued with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Ivan Hanafi about the scoring matrix. Prof. Sunandar carried on with the drafting material of LAMDIK instrument completion guidelines. He stated that the guidelines should refer to the instrument, but as the instrument had not been completed, thus another attempt was to refer to the points produced from the previous meeting in Surabaya. Nonetheless, he also emphasized that the instrument would be readjusted if the document was available.
The discussion was embellished with various responses from the participants. Suggestions and inputs were submitted for mutual enrichment.

The IT team coordinator, Asmunin, also delivered the design of the application to be made. A digital application has at least contains three files, namely quantitative data, adequacy assessment, and field assessment.

The meeting went well and was closed by Prof. Ivan Hanafi at 21:30. The next meeting is planned to be held on November 5-7, 2020, in a blended method. The upcoming agenda will be regarding activity schedules, AD/ART, decision, the organizational structure of the council, and the budget plan.

(LN & RS)


On 23 October 2018, the meeting of LAMDIK's board of executives was conducted together with the Organizer Team of Accreditation Instrument. The chairperson of the committee, Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., and the deputy chairperson, Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno discussed several matters relating to accreditation instruments with the instrument team consisting of Prof. Dr. Ivan Hanafi, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, Prof. Dr. Sunandar, and Dr. Suryanti, M.Pd. The Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Prof. Dr. Ahman also took part. The meeting was conducted online. 

Various matters were produced which included accreditation documents consisting of instruments, a scoring matrix, a guidance book for instrument completion, and an Assessment/Guidance Application for Assessors. Those were expected to be finalized in the form of drafts to be immediately tested publicly. The public test is planned on November 2020.

In order to meet the determined target, a team responsible for each document is formed. The composition is as follows:
Document 1 (instrument) and 3 (scoring matrix): Prof. Joko, Prof. Ivan, and the team.
Document 2 (guidance book of instrument completion): Prof. Sunandar, Dr. Suryanti, and the team.
Document 4 (Assessment/Guidance Application for Assessors): Asmunin, S.Kom., M.Kom., Prof. Ekohariadi, Prof. Luthfiyah N., and the team.

Furthermore, it also discussed the weighting for input, process, output, and management components. This weighting matter, however, still needs to be discussed further by considering other cases, including BAN-PT instrument, ASIIN, and OBE which become references. However, it only applies to teaching universities, not research universities, hence on the components of process and output, the weight might be bigger than input and management ones. In addition, there will be an addition in a form of short description for each criterion. As the instrument of educational institution accreditation, it also strives to have a unique touch in terms of education.

LAMDIK Plenary Session Attended by Boards of Advisors, Supervisors, and Executives, Instrument Team, and BAN-PT: Implementation dated 2 May 2021

Surabaya, 15 October 2020

The board of executives together with the instrument team of LAMDIK with educational characteristics have completed 90% of the academic manuscript (NA) and LAMDIK Instrument (I-LAMDIK). Both achievements have been gauged in the plenary session attended by the Accreditation Council of BAN-PT dated 8 October 2020 and re-discussed in the second plenary with the board of trustees, supervisory board, board of organizers, and Instrument Team as well as IT system team. The offline meeting was conducted at the campus of the State University of Surabaya on 13-15 October 2020 and joined online by LPTK NI, FORKOM Dekan FKIP, ALPTKSI, and UIN/IAIN/STAIN Tarbiyah Faculty Forum.

The preparation of NA and I-LAMDIK is held periodically once a week under coordination with the Directorate of Institution and BAN-PT. This synergy is of paramount importance because LAMDIK as an independent accreditation agency is responsible to BAN-PT and the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

This educational instrument is substantially elaborated to nine criteria in accordance with the National Accreditation System and 77 points of instruments with specific characteristics in education.

Those instruments specifically capture the roles of the study program in the point of the partner school, laboratory school, Schooling Field Education (PLP), school observation, learning tools development, teacher assistance, micro-learning, peer teaching of peers, micro copied real teaching, lecturer assignments to schools, tutor teachers contribution, candidates of activator teachers, educational community services or life skills in an educational context, learning source center, and other educational characteristics roles, etc.

From this session, the accreditation or re-accreditation fee is determined as much as IDR 45 million. The costs up to adequacy assessment are IDR 25 million and IDR 20 million for field assessment. The fee can be paid in installments over five years.

In the near future, this complete instrument will be tested by the public in November 2020 to expect inputs, then carried on to the early socialization stage in 2021. The agency is expected to officially operate on 2 May 2021 in accordance with the spirit of National Education Day.


Jakarta, 2 Januari 2020

After undergoing numerous processes since 2013, LAMDIK is legally incorporated by the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights on 17 December 2019. It is as stated in the Decree of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights Number AHU-0018765-AH-01-04 dated 17 December 2019 concerning the Ratification of the Establishment of a Legal Entity Foundation for Independent Accreditation Agency for Education.

The concerned ministerial decree is on the basis of the initiator team’s proposal by attaching a recommendation from the Approval Letter of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number T/497/M/OT/00.0012019 concerning the Minister’s Approval of The Establishment Proposal of Independent Accreditation Agency for Education dated 2 August 2019.

In accordance with the Decree and Approval Letter above, LAMDIK currently focuses on:
a. The arrangement of IT system migration from BAN-PT to LAMDIK.
b. The approval application of migration of the assessors of education sector from BAN-PT to LAMDIK.
c. The preparation of recruitment and assessor refreshment of education sector.
d. The arrangement and development of educational characteristics.

Hopefully, LAMDIK will transform into a professional accreditation agency and be able to assure the quality of educational study programs in Indonesia. Regards @LAMDIK.


Surabaya, 21 September 2019.

As an Educational Independent Accreditation Agency (LAMDIK) which has been ratified through the Decree of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number T/497/M/OT.00.0012019 on 2 August 2019 and launched by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education on 26 August 2019, it has been agreed to conduct a coordination of follow-up in the State University of Surabaya campus on 21-22 September 2019.

The parties attending were Dr. Totok Prasetyo of the Directorate of Institutional Development Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Imam Buchori of the BAN-PT accreditation council, Sugiyono, Ph.D. of the Executive Board, Prof. Ganefri of Association of Indonesian State Education Personnel Education Institutions (ALPTKNI), and Prof. Muchlas Samani et al of LAMDIK team.

In this opportunity, the Director of Institutional Development Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education will provide assistance in the preparation and instrument development which is characterized specifically in the education sector. The Accreditation Council and Executive Board of BAN-PT will also assist in the aspects of assessors’ affirmation and system development towards this LAMDIK.

LAMDIK, together with ISPI, ALPTKNI, FORKOM FKIP Indonesia, and ALPTKASI, agree that this SOTK which consists of the Board of Trustees, the Supervisory Board, and the Executive Board will be written into the AD ART of LAMDIK. The complete AD ART will be determined tomorrow dated 26 September 2019, at the State University of Jakarta as well as filing formal legal aspects as a legal entity to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Regards @LAMDIK.

The Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Launches LAMDIK Coinciding with National Technology Awakening Day at Grand Inna Hotel, Bali

Bali, 26 August 2019

The Indonesian Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Prof. M. Nasir officially launches the enactment of EDUCATIONAL LAM (LAMDIK) on 26 August 2019 at the Grand Inna Hotel, Bali Beach. In this opportunity, the Minister launches three other independent accreditation agencies at once, namely IABEE LAM for the engineering sector, LAMSAMA for science and mathematics sector, and LAM EMBA for economics, management, and business sector. This event coincided with the national-scale commemoration that is the 24th National Technology Awakening Day in 2019.

The minister emphasized the importance of LAM in the 4.0 industrial era orienting on output and outcome base. The four LAMs are expected to be not only nationally acknowledged but also as the reference for quality assurance at the international level.

LAMDIK, including the other LAMs, is expected to own characteristics as an instrument in accordance with each expertise. As a LAM in the education sector, hence, in its implementation, hopefully, it can involve the users such as high-quality school principals and students who are not only observers but also contributors to the IAPS assessment component. That was the assertion of the Executive Council Prof. T. Basaruddin and the Director General of Institutions and Science and Technology of Higher Education and the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

The launching which continued with a workshop on LAMDIK implementation preparation produced the following agreement: (1) the need to hasten the full text of AD ART and the process of submitting a legal entity to the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights is expected to be completed by 2019; (2) grand launching and outreach to all users of LAMDIK FKIP, IKIP, STKIP in December 2019; (3) the transition period in 2020 which takes full effect in 2021 at the latest.

During the transition period, sharing resources will be used with BAN-PT and the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in accordance with the instruments of the 9 IAPS standards, assessors, and IT management system. LAMDIK team is expected to have been able to finish the instrument with specific characteristics in the educational field, assessors, management information system, etc., for quality assurance of 1,578 LPTKs with 5,052 Study Programs in the Education sector.

The LAMDIK team members who attended this event were Muchlas Samani of the State University of Surabaya, Harun Joko Prayitno of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Surakarta Muhammadiyah University, Ahman of Association of Central Indonesian Scholars of Education/Indonesian Education University Bandung, Aceng Hasani of Communication for the Deans of Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Lukman Nadjmudin of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Palu Tadolako University.

With the enactment of LAMDIK, the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education’s Directorate General of Institutions, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Executive Board of BAN-PT, Director of Quality Assurance, and the teams who attended expect it to be a credible quality assurance agency and able to improve the quality of management and educational sector development in this education disruption era. Hopefully @LAMDIK.

Establishment Proposal Approved by the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education: LAMDIK Immediately Forms a Legal Entity

Jakarta, 8 August 2019

Based on the dialogue results with the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) and the officials of Kemenristekdikti, complemented with a Letter of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number T/497/M/OT.00.0012019, it is stated that the establishment proposal of LAMDIK is officially approved.

This approval has undergone a prolonged process. LAMDIK has previously conducted four dialogues as an effort to present socialization and understanding of the direction and purposes of LAMDIK’s establishment.

In near future, LAMDIK’s founding team will soon arrange a follow-up for the Letter of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education to form an organizational structure that aims to obtain agreement as a non-profit legal entity from the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham).

From this day onwards, LAMDIK is expected to be able to manifest the improvement of quality continually in the implementation of educational study programs as written on the purposes of LAMDIK’s establishment. Regards @LAMDIK.


Feasibility Study Discussion: LAMDIK is Officially Approved by the Accreditation Council of BAN-PT

Bandung, 11 March 2019

Educational Independent Accreditation Agency (LAMDIK) conducted a dialogue with the accreditation council of National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT). It was held in Crowne Plaza Hotel Bandung on Friday, 9 March 2019. With a warm reception from the council, this dialogue produced some suggestions as supporting data of LAMDIK establishment before being filed to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

Before the dialogue commenced, LAMDIK held three other dialogues with the officials of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. The result, the establishment proposal of LAMDIK, had been approved in fact, however, the formulation team was still obliged to arrange a discussion with BAN-PT as the first gateway.

Prof. Muchlas Samani (chair of LAMDIK formulation team) stated, “All praise to God, this dialogue with BAN-PT accreditation council is warmly saluted, the suggestions we acquired will soon be completed so that LAMDIK can be established sooner with BAN-PT’s full support.”

Prof. Dwiwahju Sasongko (chairperson of BAN-PT accreditation council) thanked the formulation team for the establishment of LAMDIK. “We, the council, are really thankful for those who are present in this dialogue. We have delivered everything, the data presented are also completely supportive. However, there are some other documents which must be refined and completed, such as accreditation instruments starting from the undergraduate, master, and doctoral program,” marked Dwiwahyu.

Hopefully, after this dialogue, the LAMDIK formulation team soon refine the documents needed so it can be established immediately. Regards. @LAM Kependidikan

LAMDIK is Officially Approved by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education: Discussion and Follow-up on Full Feasibility Study

Jakarta, 29 December 2018.

The discussion of LAMDIK establishment follow-up together with the officials of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) on Thursday, 27 December 2018 has been conducted in the 11th Floor of Building D Kemenristekdikti. It was attended by LAMDIK’s founding team and the representatives of several institutional associations as well as study program associations which involve in the establishment of LAMDIK. In addition, a number of representatives of universities under the Ministry of Religion also took part in this event.

Previously, a similar event was held by LAMDIK’s founding team and Kemenristekdikti’s officials but it was only attended by several representatives of study programs, and they were saluted by Mrs. Paulina Pannen (Expert Staff for Academic Affairs of Kemenristekdikti). Based on the suggestions and input given by her, LAMDIK’s founding team immediately conducted a follow-up.

Prof. Dr. Sunaryo (Chief Executive of LAMDIK establishment) remarked, “This event is a discussion and the follow-up of the previous one. There are a few differences because the participants who attended are more complete either from the institutional associations or study programs ones that support LAMDIK. Some representatives of the Ministry of Religion and directorates in the Kemenristekdikti environment also take part in it.”

“As a whole, the parties invited to support the establishment of LAMDIK. However, we also receive some inputs, thus we are going to do refinement as soon as possible,” added him.

Hopefully, with the end of this event, the founding team of LAMDIK are able to immediately complete the deficiencies and inputs and aid BAN-PT in conducting accreditation of educational study programs to manifest high-quality education. Regards @LAMDIK.