An FGD of the IAPS development for Doctoral Programs has been hosted on the campus of Surakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMS), precisely on the 7th floor of the main building Siti Walidah. This event lasted for three days from 5 to 7 November 2021. It aimed to determine the indicators and descriptors of IAPS for Doctoral Programs.
The participants were lecturers from various universities, namely: Muchlas Samani, Ekohariadi, Suryanti (UNESA), Joko Nurkamto, Mardiyana (UNS), Budi Murtiyasa, Bambang Sumardjoko (UMS), Mudi, Agus Sutomo (UPGRIS), Samsul Hadi (UIN Malang), and Sholeh Hidayat (UNTIRTA).
The agenda included: (1) Opening, (2) Determination of Doctoral IAPS Indicators and Descriptors, (3) Development of Doctoral IAPS Indicators and Descriptors, (4) Progress Report and Review, (5) Preparation of Doctoral IAPS Draft and Review, and (6) Closing and follow-up.
This development of Doctoral IAPS is for complements the Undergraduate ones which have been legalized by BAN-PT through the Regulation of BAN-PT Number 10 of 2021. The latter is used as the reference for the preparation of Doctoral IAPS. The output of this activity is the draft of indicators and descriptors of it. To achieve this output, the participants were grouped into small groups. Each group scrutinized the Undergraduate IAPS to determine the doctoral one. The determined indicators and descriptors were then discussed to obtain inputs.
This FGD went well as expected. The output is the finished form of the draft of Doctoral IAPS and will become a topic of discussion in the next FGD.