The Educational Independent Accreditation Agency (LAMDIK) has started its duties to accredit study programs throughout Indonesia. More than 1500 study programs have registered online (RO) and as many as 361 of which have obtained the Decree of Accreditation Rank by LAMDIK

All accreditation processes which have been carried out until the end of this year must be recorded in the form of written report so that the performance achievement can be mapped structurally, henceforth the development and evaluation are able to be optimized. In addition, Teacher Professional Education (PPG) is also covered by LAMDIK in accordance with the Regulation of BAN-PT No. 10 of 2021. By 1 December 2022, one PPG program has uploaded accreditation documents in LAMDIK, it requires trials to ensure Adequacy Assessment, Field Assessment, and SIMALAMDIK can operate properly for PPG.
Based on that matter, on December 2-4, 2022 FGD for LAMDIK Annual Report Preparation and SIMALAMDIK Trial for PPG have been arranged. The participants were daily executives including the general chairperson, directors, divisions, staffs as well as two LAMDIK assessors to discuss program study accreditation for PPG. This event was held offline in Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya. On December 2, tasks were distributed and the discussion was lead by Prof. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum., as the Accreditation Director of LAMDIK. The annual report generally covers governance, quality assurance management, accreditation process, and finance. Another discussion for PPG assessment trials was separately conducted by two LAMDIK assessors, Prof. Dr. H. Muslimin Ibrahim, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Kisyani, M.Hum. Then, on December 3, independent work was arranged in accordance with the tasks distribution until the finalization of Annual Report. Later on December 4, the finalization results of LAMDIK Annual Report shall be exposed.
During independent work session and discussion, Prof. Dr. H. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., as LAMDIK general chairperson, approached one of the staffs and said, “Each of us has 24 hours every day, if we cannot make use of it well, it means we are negligent.””.