Towards the Accreditation Instruments 2.0

“The purpose of accreditation is not about ranking but quality culture.” This sentence is often delivered by Prof. Dr. Muchlas Samani, M.Pd., the Chairperson of LAMDIK. It is short yet difficult to implement. One of the primary foundations towards this goal is accreditation instruments that are relevant and credible. The question is, how do we compose relevant instruments amid this disruption era or massive and fast-paced changes?

Evaluation and development must be continually carried out by LAMDIK, one of which is on accreditation instruments and LAMDIK’s active role within the development of education in Indonesia. In accordance with it, from 30 November to 1 December 2022, LAMDIK arranged an FGD of Directions of Higher Education Future Development and Relevant Accreditation Instruments.

This activity was held offline in Hotel Century Jakarta. It was attended by the Organizer Board of LAMDIK, Directors, Divisions, and staff as well as the source people as follows:

  1. Prof. Dr. Ir. K.H. Mohammad Nuh, DEA., (Minister of National Education of 2009 – 2014)
  2. Prof. Drs. H. Ganefri, M.Pd., Ph.D., (Chair of LAMDIK's Board of Advisors)
  3. Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D., (Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Research and Higher Education 2015)
  4. Bahrul Hayat, Ph.D., (Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion of 2006 – 2014), and
  5. A number of LAMDIK assessors.

There were plenty of crucial records in this discussion, as conveyed by Prof. Intan Ahmad., Ph.D., regarding the discrepancy between curriculum suitability and field necessities. How come university graduates in 2022 learned for 4 years with expired or even irrelevant materials? This relevance was also accounted within the accreditation instruments by Prof. Dr. Muslimin Ibrahim, M.Pd., in this online learning era, whether the ratio of lecturers and students is still relevant. Those records in question underlie LAMDIK in realizing instruments 2.0 which are soon to be developed and commenced at the beginning of 2023.

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